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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
Nature Seychelles
The Environment and Education Centre
PO Box 1310
Victoria Mahé
Email: nature@seychelles.net
Website: www.nature.org.sc
Type: NGO
Scope: national
Interest in Forestry: peripheral
Nature Seychelles, formerly known as BirdLife Seychelles, is a local not-for-profit association registered
in Seychelles. It is currently the largest independent environment organisation in Seychelles.
The association is involved in a suite of activities including species and habit conservation, monitoring,
research, island restoration, eco-tourism, education & awareness and advocacy.
Nature Seychelles manages Cousin Island Special Reserve and has a presence on several other islands.
It has a multi-stakeholder and result-oriented approach through its programs such as the
Seychelles Magpie-robin Recovery Team [SMART] and the Seychelles Seabird Group [SSG] as well with other
organisations such as the WildLife Clubs of Seychelles, Ministry of Environment and
Ministry of Education.
Its donors and partners include the World Bank/GEF and the Royal Society for Protection of Birds. It
is a member of the BirdLife International network, WIOMSA, the African Bird Club and
IUCN, works in close collaboration with WWF, the Mauritian WildLife Foundation and many others.
Nature Seychelles employs 15 full time staff including biologists, an economist, educators and protected
area specialists.
Our Objectives: The primary objective of Nature Seychelles according to its statutes is to improve
the conservation of biodiversity through scientific, management, educational and training
To achieve the above primary objective the Nature Seychelles has the following sub-objectives:
- To study, research and assess the status of biodiversity
- To manage areas important for conservation
- To seek ways and means to assist official efforts for management and conservation of biodiversity
- To increase and propagate scientific knowledge of biodiversity and educate the public
- To implement relevant training programs
- To fund-raise for conservation programmes
- To promote partnership/ cooperation between like-minded individuals and organisations