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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
Earth Organisation
HQ situated in South Africa
Website: www.earthorganization.org
Type of NGO: NGO,
Interest in Forestry: peripheral
Contact method: email : founder@earthorganization.org
An international, non profit, environmental organization founded by veteran South African conservationist
Lawrence Anthony, who recognised that new solutions were neccessary to reverse the
dwindling spiral of life on Earth.
The Earth Organization is a non-profit, non-partisan, issue oriented organization. Our members come
from all walks of life, from all cultures, races and religious backgrounds, all motivated by a
common cause; to reverse the dwindling spiral of life on Earth, and create a healthy habitable Planet
on which all life flourishes and prospers, and of which we can be proud.
The Earth Organization's international offices work in association with other environmental groups around
the world in projects of mutual interest. One of these co-venture partners is The Earth
Organization in the United States (a 501(c)3 corporation with non-profit status pending).
The Earth and practically all major life forms on it are currently in danger, as ecosystems become degraded
and extinctions continue to escalate at an alarming rate. Global warming is real and the polar
caps are melting.