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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
Teachers for Forests
HQ situated in Australia
Email: teachers@forests.org.auwww.teachers.forests.org.au
Website: www.teachers.forests.org.au
Type of Organisation: NGO
Scope: national
Interest in Forestry: central
Aims: -Protection of flora and fauna diversity in this state: sustainability of forests and woodland
ecosystems and wise use of water resources and forest products.
-Effective education about these issues.
-Provision of stimulating, refreshing, and energizing, in-servicing to teachers.
-Open dialogue between the Victorian Community and the Government on Forest Issues, especially the management
of breaches, and community participation in strategic forward planning.
-The provision of real data about forest resource use, the maintenance of forest ecosystems, and species
diversity, and the critiques that can be applied to these.