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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
Forestry Association of Botswana
Extension 4, Plot 425 Mokgosi Close
P.O. Box 2088
Email: fab@info.bw
Website: www.envngo.co.bw/pages/fab.html
Type: NGO
Scope: national
Interest in Forestry: central
Mission statement: "To improve the life of Batswana through forestry work in Research, Education,
Extension and lobbying; laying emphasis on partnerships with disadvantaged citizens and
Overall objectives: To work in partnership with disadvantaged individuals and communities to improve
their living standards through forestry and other environmental activities.
-To promote ecologically sound indigenous forest management practices through research and extension
-To promote the advancement of public awareness and education on the importance of tree planting,
with emphasis on indigenous species.
-To encourage among communities sustainable utilisation of natural woodlands and maintenance of
biological diversity.
-To actively assist and co-operate with government, private sector, and non-governmental organisations
involved in forestry and environmental management and lobby as the need arises.
-To act as a focal point for all non-governmental forestry activities in Botswana.