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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
Kenya Association of Forest Users
PO Box 44597 00100
Website: http://woek.boku.ac.at/sht/download/About%20KAFU.pdf
Type: NGO
Scope: national
Interest in Forestry: central
The mission of KAFU is to unlock trade opportunities for non-timber forest products, conservation and
organic products by putting in place a Kenyan movement for certification and marketing of non-timber
forest products, conservation and organic products.
KAFU (Kenya Association of Forest Users), a membership orgainization focussing on non-timber forest
products, conservation and organic products.
KAFU's activities are: Promoting public awareness about KAFU, conservation and organic products, and
sustainable exploitation of non-timber forest products through workshops, educational
materials and popular media.
- Facilitating a consensus building process on setting up ethical guidelines and standards for cultivation,
collection, harvesting, processing and marketing of non-timber forest products.
- Provide advice and sharing information on pertinent issues with different stakeholders.
- Mobilizing resources (financial and human) to achieve the aims and objectives of KAFU.
- Training stakeholders in production, certification and marketing skills.
- Supporting stakeholders to participate in policy making and legislation through workshops, media compaigns,
public hearing and seminars.
info@kafuworld.org did ont work and website not working but clear that organisation is active due to
references on other sites. Www.kafuworld.org .