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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
Bombay Natural History Society
Hornbill House, Dr. Sálim Ali Chowk
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road
Mumbai 400 023
Email: bnhs@bom4.vsnl.net.in
Website: www.bnhs.org
Type: Research NGO
Scope: national
Interest in Forestry: peripheral
Mission: Conservation of nature, primarily biological diversity, through action based on research, education
and public awareness.
Vision: Premier independent scientific organization with a broad based constituency, excelling
in the conservation of threatened species and habitats.
About us: The Bombay Natural History Society is today the largest non-government organisation
[NGO] in the Indian subcontinent engaged in nature conservation research . In the 120 years of its
existence, its commitment has been, and continues to be, the conservation of India`s natural wealth,
protection of the environment and sustainable use of natural resources for a balanced and healthy
development for future generations. The Society`s guiding principle has always been that conservation
must be based on scientific research - a tradition exemplified by its late president, Dr. Sálim Ali.
Altruism, is the key word for the success and growth of the Society. This vital element, as fund support
or non-financial support, be it from its members, government, institutions or corporate bodies,
has been responsible for the survival of the Society. To ensure the continuity of its contribution to
the cause of conservation, the BNHS invites support from all those who care to make a better world
for all living beings, including mankind.