Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 JAMAICA

bullet2 Environmental Foundation of Jamaica

1B Norwood Avenue

Kingston 5




Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  peripheral


Established in 1993 by formal agreement between the governments of Jamaica and the United States of America The Environmental Foundation of Jamaica is an independent Foundation which uses the proceeds from a creative debt-swap arrangement to promote sustainable development in Jamaica.

This is done mainly through support to projects which address issues of the Environment and Child Survival and Development. Organizations of civil society with mandates in the targeted areas of environment and children are eligible for support.


The Foundation promotes, supports and implements activities designed to conserve the natural resources and the environment of Jamaica and fosters the well-being of our children.

To this end the Foundation will give the highest priority to those activities from which benefits are sustainable and/or replicable.