Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 NAMIBIA

bullet2 Namibia Association of Community Based Natural Resource Management Support Organisations

PO Box 98353

Pelican Square





Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  central


Namibia’s National CBNRM Programme is a joint venture between Government and non-government institutions, communities, community-based organisations and development partners. The programme aims to provide incentives to communities to manage and use wildlife and other natural resources in sustainable and productive ways. It does this by promoting three closely related approaches.

- a natural resource management and conservation programme that “promotes wise and sustainable management of natural resources, and encourages biodiversity conservation by creating the necessary conditions for sustainable use”.

- a rural development programme that “seeks to devolve rights and responsibilities over wildlife and tourism to rural communities, thereby creating opportunities for enterprise development and income generation”.

- an empowerment and capacity-building programme that “it encourages and assists communities and their local institutions to develop the skills and experience to sustainably develop and pro-actively pilot their own futures”.