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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
New Zealand Ecological Society
PO Box 25-178
New Zealand
Email: president@nzes.org.nz
Website: www.nzes.org.nz
Type: NGO
Scope: national
Interest in Forestry: peripheral
Society Aims: The New Zealand Ecological Society was formed in 1951 to promote the study of ecology
and the application of ecological knowledge in all its aspects. Through its activities, the
society attempts to encourage ecological research, increase awareness and understanding of ecological
principles, promote sound ecological planning and management of the natural and human
environment and promote high standards both within the profession of ecology by those practicing it,
and by those bodies employing ecologists.
* an annual conference comprising symposia, contributed papers and work-shops, field trips and social
* a scientific journal, New Zealand Journal of Ecology, published twice a year, containing refereed
articles on both fundamental and applied ecological research.
* a regular newsletter, to inform members of society activities and ecological news, and foster debate
on current ecological issues.
* awards and prizes for New Zealand ecologists and students.
* preparation of submissions on government policies relating to the NZ natural environment.
* involvement in ecological education at schools and universities.
* other special-purpose publications.