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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
New Zealand Forest Owners Association
P O Box 1208
New Zealand
Email: nzfoa@nzfoa.org.nz
Website: www.nzfoa.org.nz/
Type: Industry
Scope: national
Interest in Forestry: central
The New Zealand Forest Owners Association (NZFOA) represents the owners of New Zealand's commercial
plantation forests. It was set up in 1926 and is now one of the country's most influential
primary sector organisations.
Its members own or manage more than 80 per cent of the country's 1.88 million hectares of plantation
With annual export earnings of $3.3 billion in 2005/06, plantation forestry is New Zealand's third largest
export earner. It is a major regional employer, with 8260 individuals employed in forestry and
logging in 2004, and 23,402 employed in first stage processing. See Facts & Figures.
Investment by members in research and technology, supported by the NZ Government, means plantation forestry
is highly innovative. This is reflected in the commitment of the association and its
members to the highest standards of sustainable silviculture, environmental practice and workforce safety.
In recent years this has led to be development of codes of practice and standards which have world-leader
status. These codes and standards have been adopted by most industry players.