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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
New Zealand Wood
PO Box 11235
Manners Street
New Zealand
Email: info@nzwood.co.nz
Website: www.nzwood.co.nz/corporate/
Type: Industry
Scope: national
Interest in Forestry: central
A campaign funded by the forestry industry and the government to provide the knowledge and resources
to promote the use of NZ wood and achieve beneficial environmental outcomes including
fighting climate change.
NZ Wood is an industry-wide programme about New Zealand forests and wood and is designed to inspire
the use of this sustainable and versatile resource. The programme aims to embed a ‘wood
culture’ in New Zealand’s culture.
This will be achieved through a broad range of exciting initiatives and projects that support the growth
of the entire forestry and wood industry.
These initiatives include education, research and development, information, design and the promotion
of forests and wood in New Zealand.
The NZ Wood programme brings together the diverse members of the forestry and wood industry to pursue
common objectives of:
Growing the domestic market share for wood.
Increasing per-capita consumption of wood in New Zealand.
Growing public awareness of the industry’s economic and environmental contribution forests and wood
make to New Zealand.
Most importantly, the NZ Wood programme will help New Zealand fight climate change and global warming.