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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
Tane's Tree Trust
New Zealand
Email: peterb@pentarch.biz
Website: www.tanestrees.org.nz
Type: NGO
Scope: national
Interest in Forestry: central
Tane's Tree Trust vision is to see the majority of New Zealand landowners successfully planting and
sustainably managing indigenous trees for multiple uses by 2020.
Our Objectives:
In order to realise the vision; the foundational objectives of the Trust are to promote indigenous forestry
as an attractive land use.
The objectives of Tane's Tree Trust include:
- building a network of knowledge sharing amongst stakeholders;
- retrieval of past incomplete research projects pertaining to establishment, growth and productive
use of indigenous tree species;
- the establishment of new research projects;
- maximising the economic incentives for establishing indigenous trees by reducing establishment costs;
- resolving taxation, legal and political obstacles currently serving as disincentives to the planting
of indigenous trees;
- raising funds to undertake the above.