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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
Centre for Indigenous Knowledge on Population
Resource and Environmental Management
Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
University of Nigeria
Type: University Institute
Scope: national
Interest in Forestry: peripheral
CIKPREM pursues the general objectives of promoting, retrieving, documenting, disseminating and integrating
indigenous knowledge in its three special areas: population, resources and environment.
It does this through research, conferences, publications and collaboration with people involved in the
field. During 1996 CIKPREM was engaged in the following specific activities. Because
CIKPREM had not accumulated enough funds of its own to sponsor or undertake empirical research in its
areas of interest, it concentrated its efforts on generating relevant research topics which it
then assigned to members.
The centre also organized members into research teams for the drafting of research proposals for submission
to potential sponsors. Three research topics were generated and assigned: 'Indigenous
mechanisms for resolving land disputes in the Nsukka area' (J.C. Okeibunor); 'Traditional systems of
social support for ageing in Nigeria' (Ms U.O. Okoye); and 'Indigenous mechanisms for
population management and control in Nigeria' (Prof. D.S. Obikeze and others). These projects are at
various stages of implementation and the researchers gladly welcome suggestions and an
exchange of ideas on these topics.
The centre also prepared a formal proposal for research on 'Population pressure and inter/intra community
conflicts in South Eastern Nigeria', which will be used to solicit funds. In collaboration with
SEMA, a firm of consultants, CIKPREM conducted a workshop on conflict management for agents of change
in the Nsukka/Enugu area. The workshop took place on 18 and 19 July 1996. It was
sponsored by CIKARD and attended by Dr Noa Davenport, coordinator of Iowa State University, and some
30 people drawn from all segments of society in rural and urban areas of Nsukka and
Enugu. It was concluded that there is a need to integrate Western and indigenous African systems of
conflict management and control. The centre promoted and facilitated the publication of articles
and reports based on research conducted by members of the centre.
The centre has received inquiries, correspondence, and requests from other IK centres as well as from
researchers and students in various countries. These communications and the exchange of ideas
are very welcome. The main problems faced by CIKPREM last year were poor communications facilities and
a lack of research funds. The University of Nigeria, where the centre is located, does not
have e-mail or Internet access yet. The centre hopes that these constraints to an easy flow of information
will be overcome in 1997.
epseelon@aol.com did not work