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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
Environmental Development Initiative
8 Fraser St.
Off Mpuka Police Station Calabar
Cross River State
Website: none
Type: NGO
Scope: national
Interest in Forestry: peripheral
Mission Statement: To stimulate sustainable development by initiating programs that promote conservation
process and resource utilisation as well as manpower enhancement. (Crusaders of
sustainable development)
Organisational Goals or Objectives:
- To bring together all environmentalists aimed at fostering a developmental project to our planet earth.
- To inculcate in the minds of the rural dwellers the need of sustaining their homes through the available
mediums, workshops, conferences, seminars, symposium and mass media.
- To fight against the menaces of societal deviances such as prostitution, cultism, political thuggery,
drug abuse, poverty and other devices that degrade our environment.
- Monitoring and checkmating the abuse of our natural resources by the restive youths
- Liaising with international agencies, multinationals, governments and private sector businesses, NGOs
and individuals to promote and execute projects viable to societal growth.