Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry


bullet2 Southern African Institute of Ecologists and Environmental Scientists

Secretariat Office

P O Box 1749

Noordhoek 7979

South Africa



Type:  Professional body   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  central


Welcome to the new website of the Southern African Institute of Ecologists and Environmental Scientists! The SAIEES is a professional body representing both ecologists and environmental scientists (encompassing human and natural scientists) and is committed to the persuance, advancement and maintenance of excellence in the practice and professions of ecology and environmental science.

The SAIEES is currently reviewing and redeveloping the manner in which it serves its membership and the frequency with which it does this. It has become apparent that in order to do so a greater level of cost-effectiveness needs to be achieved. Accordingly, most of the Institute's interaction with its members will henceforth be via electronic means, a mode of communication that will provide considerably more benefits to all.