Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry


bullet2 Tree Council

71 Newcomen Street

London SE1 1YT




Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  central


The Tree Council was founded in 1974 with major support from the Department of the Environment and in 1978 became an independent registered charity. Working through and on behalf of its member organisations, the Tree Council aims to create an awareness of the value of trees and of the need for more trees and their better management. It uses every opportunity to inform people about trees, to alert them to national tree problems and to seek solutions.


Making trees matter to everyone

Tree Warden Scheme

More trees, of the right kind, in the right place

Hedge Tree Campaign

Better care for all trees, of all ages

Inspiring effective action for trees

Improve the environment in town and country by promoting the planting and conservation of trees and woods throughout the United Kingdom;

Disseminate knowledge about trees and their management;

Act as a forum for organisations concerned with trees, to identify national problems and to provide initiatives for co-operation.