Copyright of all material published in the International Forestry Review remains with the publisher, the Commonwealth Forestry Association. It is not permissable for any paper, or any version of a paper, published in the International Forestry Reivew to be posted on a website, whether personal, institutional or one designed for sharing of papers without the prior permission of the publisher.
All papers must be submitted in English. If a paper is accepted for publication but the English requires editing and/or improvement it will be the responsibility of the authors to arrange this.
(Note: Plagiarism is considered an extremely serious issue and is evaluated on every submission by use of electronic software. For more information on what constitutes plagiarism, and why it is important please click here).
Contributions must be original, meaning that the paper, or any close derivative of it, has not been published previously in any form, including on the internet.
If the paper has been submitted to, and rejected from, another journal this must be made clear at the time of submission. The Editor will then discuss with the author the reasons for rejection in order to determine whether submission of the paper to the IFR is appropriate.
The text, excluding tables, references and appendices, should not exceed 7000 words, although exceptions may be permitted in special cases.
All spelling must conform to UK/international English.
The layout of the text and style of table and figure legends and references must conform to that of the International Forestry Review. This means:
Main title in Arial, Text in Times New Roman
The hierarchy of headings is: CAPITALS, bold lower case, italics lower case.
Line numbers must be used.
Manuscripts should be produced in Microsoft Word, written in Times New Roman typeface (size 12 pt), with line numbers, 1.5 line spacing, left justification and without hyphenation.
The manuscript should be written in the passive voice unless specific circumstances dictate otherwise, e.g. 'The experiment was carried out' is correct; 'We carried out the experiment' is incorrect.
Manuscripts should be submitted with UK English spellings. Make sure that a spell check with UK English spellings is used prior to submission.
Paragraphs should not be separated by any additional line spacing. The first paragraph in a section should not be indented. The first line of each subsequent paragraph should be indented to 1.27cm.
Use quotation marks (" ") only around quotations or titles. Do not use them to highlight or emphasise text.
Do not use numbering for headings.
et al. is correct, et al. is incorrect.
The document should be saved as a Microsoft Word file with *.doc file extension.
The title and author's details should be in the following format
Bundling forest ecosystem services for FSC certification:
an analysis of stakeholder adaptability
aUniversity of British Columbia, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
bCenter for International Forestry Research, Jalan CIFOR, Bogor, 16000, Indonesia
cClimate and Land Use Alliance, 235 Montgomery Street, 13th Floor, San Francisco, 94104, CA, USA
The individual who has carried out the majority of the work should be listed first.
All authors who provide email addresses should be willing and able to be contacted about the published manuscript. As such, no special distinction for corresponding authors will be published.
Provide 5 bullet points containing the main outcomes arising from your research.
A SUMMARY of not more than 150 words must be supplied, together with 5 keywords.
Add five keywords which, when used by indexing and abstracting services in addition to those already present in the title, could increase the ease with which readers can locate your article.
Tables should clear and simple, with a maximum of 8 columns. (Note that tables have limited space in the final layout and therefore the reduction of font size to a minimum of 8 pt during typesetting should be taken into account when preparing tables).
Headings and other texts in table cells should to be concise. Tables including captions, legends and footnotes should be written in Microsoft Word (in exceptional cases Microsoft Excel can be used following agreement of the Editor).
Tables should be saved in a separate file (not as an integral part of manuscript) and the manuscript text should contain the reference to the position of the table (or figure) in brackets.
Titles should be in the format: TABLE X Title of the table
Patterns must be used instead of or in addition to colours in order to convey information for colourblind users.
Graphs, digrams other figurs should be submitted as .jpg files
Titles should be in the format: FIGURE X Title of the figure
Numbers greater than 999 should be written with appropriate spaces and without commas, e.g 10 000 is correct, 10,000 and 10000 are incorrect.
SI units should be used.
All financial figures should give a US$ equivalent.
Do not use an ampersand. '&', unless it is a used in a journal or book title in the REFERNCES.
Volumes and areas should be given in the format kg/ha/yr, kg/m3
References to footnotes in the main text should be marked with arabic numerals in superscript form.
The complete scientific name (genus, species, authority and, where appropriate, cultivar) should be cited at the first occasion of its mention and written in italics (authority in normal type). If vernacular names are used, they must be accompanied by the correct scientific name at first use.
For text citations, papers should be referred to as (Smith 2015) and papers by the same author in the same year should be distinguished by lettering in sequence (1998a, 1998b, etc.). Where papers are written by a single author or two authors their names should be cited with 'and' separating the names - do not use '&'. If three or more authors are involved the first name should be listed followed by 'et al.', e.g. (Smith et al. 2002).
Citations should be separated by a comma, not a semi-colon, i.e. (Johnstone 2013, Smith 2012, Smith et al. 2015).
Multiple citations by different authors should be listed alphabetically, e.g. (Brown 2014, Jones 2015, Smith 2014).
Multiple citations by the same author should conform to the following format (Brown 2011, 2014, 2015).
Direct quotations from papers or books should be referenced in the format (Smith 2015: 23-24).
At the end of the paper, the list of references must be arranged in alphabetical ordering without serial numbering.
DOIs should be included where available.
References should be formatted with a 'hanging' indent.
There should be no additional line spacing between individual references.
The following standard forms of citation must be used:
Author's name, all authors' initials to follow surname, journal and book titles in italics. Volume number in bold. Second and subsequent lines should not be indented. Use 'and' to separate the final and penultimate name, not '&'.
For example:
Journal paper
LÄHDE, E., LAIHO, O., NOROKORPI, Y. and SAKSA, T. 2013. Stand structure as the basis of diversity index. Forest Ecology and Management 115 (2/3): 213-220.
Paper or chapter in proceedings
SMITH, W.J. 2014. Selection of tree species for arid environments. In: BLACKBURN, J.W. (ed.) Multipurpose trees and shrubs for fuelwood and agroforestry. CNRD Monograph No4. 366 pp.
PHILLIP, M.S. 2014. Measuring trees and forests. 2nd edition, CAB International, Wallingford, England. 310 pp.
All titles for papers and/or books shoud be written in sentence case not title case. For example
HOLMGREN, J., JOYCE, S., NILSSON, M. and OLSSON., H. 2013. Estimating Stem Volume and Basal Area in Forest Compartments by Combining Satellite Image Data with Field Data. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 15: 103–111. Is incorrect.
HOLMGREN, J., JOYCE, S., NILSSON, M. and OLSSON., H. 2013. Estimating stem volume and basal area in forest compartments by combining satellite image data with field data. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 15: 103–111. Is correct.
Websites should only be quoted in isolation where hard copies are not available. Website citations should begin 'www....' and should include the date when the reference was accessed.
If a paper has been accepted for publication but has not yet appeared it should be listed as (In press) in place of the year of publication. If a paper has been submitted to a journal but has not yet been accepted for publication it should be listed as (In prep.) in place of the year of publication. If a paper has not yet been submitted to a journal it shoud not be referred to.
Click here to download the Endnote template for formatting references.
Authors should acknowledge suggestions made by referees with a simple statement such as 'The valuable suggestions made by anonymous referees is gratefully acknowledged'.