Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 TANZANIA

bullet2 Vijana Vision Tanzania

P.O Box 28099

Dar es Salaam




Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  peripheral


Vijana Vision Tanzania, which was initiated by a group of youth after they attended the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002, has picked EAL because it is a participatory tool. EAL approach considers school and community as key components for training, developing leadership competence, sharing experience, and creating awareness needed for advocacy and resource mobilization so as to sustain local initiatives geared at protecting the forests. In addition to EAL, the organization is expected to conduct participatory environmental audits to create baseline on the status of the environment and get starting points for community advocacy for environmental protection and re-conservation. VVT also involves itself with the fight against HIV/AIDS, children rights and researching on issues affecting the youth. The head office for VVT is located in Kisarawe District, which is one of the five districts of the Coastal region. They too have a liaison office in Dar es Salaam.