Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 TANZANIA

bullet2 Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania

P.O. Box 2160





Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  peripheral


Mission:  The Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania's mission is to work towards the conservation of the flora, fauna, and environment of Tanzania for the benefit of mankind. The Society was founded in 1988 and is Tanzania's only national conservation organization.

Key Activities of WCST Arusha:

Protection and conservation of forests;

Protection and conservation of various animal and plant species focusing on :

* birds and their habitats; Activities of WCST Arusha

* education and awareness raising pertaining to the protection and conservation of the environment;

* advocacy and lobbying;

* working with other partners in BirdLife International, to fight against illegal bird trade;

* publicity and fund-raising;

* production of environmental/conservation education materials such as leaflets, booklets, calendars, fliers etc.

* production of Society's quarterly Newsletter - "Miombo"

* carrying out research pertaining to environmental conservation fieldwork.