Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry


bullet2 Australian Wildlife Conservancy

HQ address: 14 Emerald Terrace

West Perth 6872





Type of Organisation:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  peripheral


AWC is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of Australia’s threatened wildlife and ecosystems.

Funded by tax-deductible donations, AWC is taking action to protect Australia’s wildlife by:

1. Acquiring land to establish sanctuaries for the conservation of threatened species and ecosystems.

2. Implementing practical, on-ground conservation programs such as the eradication of feral animals and the reintroduction of endangered species.

3. Conducting scientific research into key issues affecting biodiversity in Australia.

4. Undertaking public education programs to promote awareness of the plight of Australia’s wildlife.

Although AWC is a relatively young organisation, we are making significant progress in helping to save Australia’s threatened wildlife.

AWC aims to ensure that its sanctuaries act as 'catalysts' for broader landscape scale conservation efforts. Accordingly, AWC works closely with its neighbours to also promote conservation beyond the borders of each AWC sanctuary.

AWC sanctuaries protect a diversity of ecosystems including tropical savanna, rainforest, majestic wet eucalypt forests, open woodlands, semi-arid grasslands and mangrove lined lagoons.