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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
Cooperative Research Centre for Forestry
HQ address: Private Bag 12
Tasmania 7001
Email: crcforestry@crcforestry.com.au
Website: www.crcforestry.com.au
Type of Organisation: Research
Scope: national
Interest in Forestry: central
The Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Forestry is an Australia-wide joint venture supported by the
forestry industry, research organisations, state agencies and the Australian Government. Our
mission is to support a sustainable and vibrant Australian forestry industry through research, education,
communication and collaboration.
Our vision
Recognised as a world-leading collaborative forestry research organisation.
The organisation of choice to conduct and coordinate strategic research
on key issues for the Australian forestry industry.
Established as a trusted and reliable source of information and analysis
of science-based knowledge relating to forests and forestry in Australia.