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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
Nova Scotia Forestry Association
P.O. Box 6901,
Port Hawkesbury B9A 2W2
Email: contact@nsfa.ca
Website: www.nsfa.ca
Type: NGO
Scope: local
Interest in Forestry: central
The NSFA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Nova Scotia's forests. It promotes
the wise use and management of the provinces forest resources through programs in schools
in Nova Scotia, such as Envirothon, Project Learning Tree and its national poster contest, and characters
such as Woodsy Owl, who promotes anti-pollution. - Our objectives are to advocate and
promote the full development, protection and utilization of the renewable natural resources of Nova
Scotia for optimum public advantage
- To stimulate public education and interest in all phases of forestry
- To promote reforestation where natural regeneration is inadequate.
These goals represent the Associations overall aim of helping people enjoy and care for Nova Scotia's
trees and forests.