Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 KENYA

bullet2 KOMAZA


Coast Province




Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  central


Eighty percent of Africa's poor are farmers. Profitable agricultural opportunities in Africa are virtually endless, yet the vast majority of Africa's farm families struggle to survive on meager harvests and are unable to access high-value output markets. KOMAZA works to build social enterprises which help small-scale farmers maximize their land's profitability and dramatically boost family income.

KOMAZA's flagship initiative is our Microforestry Project, which combines principles of microfinance, microequity and commercial forestry. The microforestry model delivers a complete package of the materials and services necessary for poor rural families to unlock the economic potential of high-value tree farming, producing 10-25 times an average family's income over a single eight-year harvest cycle. This project targets extremely poor families living in environmentally degraded, drought-prone areas, where our sustainable dought-tolerant microforests can reduce communities' reliance on the deforestation of indigenous trees.

KOMAZA is one of the most highly-validated emerging social enterprises. Our organization has won two of the most selective awards in the field: the Draper Richards Foundation Fellowship and the Rainer Arnhold Fellowship. As we continue to rapidly expand, we are looking to recruit highly talented and capable business-oriented individuals from around the world to help grow our program.