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Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry | | |
Mau Community Forest Association
P.O. Box 293
Email: mauforesta@yahoo.com
Type: NGO
Scope: local
Interest in Forestry: central
The Mau Community Forest Association (MACOFA) is an umbrella organization for registered, organized
groups adjacent to Mau Forest complex who are involved in environment and natural
resource management. It is a member of National Alliance of Community Forest Associations (NAOFA).
As a major player in lobbying, advocacy and management of farmers groups in Kenya, KENFAP looks for
partnership with strong international organizations having interests in land policy issues to
assist in land policy education campaigns in East Africa through the East Africa Farmers' Federation,
in cooperation with The Center for Enterprises Development and Training (CEDAT), the most
important factor after that of labour.