Aims and scope
The International Forestry Review is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes original research and review papers on forest policy and science, with an emphasis on issues of transnational significance. It is published four times per year, in March, June, September and December. Special Issues are a regular feature and attract a wide audience. Click here for subscription details.
Latest issue
Click here to view the latest issue of the International Forestry Reivew.
We are currently inviting authors to contribute papers for a Special Issue of the International Forestry Review to be developed in collaboration with the IUFRO Special Project World Forests, Society and Environment (IUFRO-WFSE): Socioeconomic, political and cultural aspects of forest restoration - What can we learn from forest restoration practice?
Publication date: 2024
Editorial Board
Editor |
Alan Pottinger |
Editorial Board - Chair |
Jeffrey Sayer |
University of British Columbia, Canada |
Editorial Board |
Fred Babweteera |
Budongo Conservation Field Station, Uganda |
Eberhard Bruenig |
University of Hamburg, Germany |
Neil Byron |
University of Canberra, Australia |
José Joaquin Campos |
CATIE, Costa Rica |
Jim Carle |
Independent, New Zealand |
Ebby Chagala |
Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), Kenya |
Ben Chikamai |
Executive Secretary, Network for Natural Gums and Resins in Africa (NGARA) |
Mafa Chipeta |
Independent, Malawi |
Jonathan Cornelius |
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Peru |
Julian Evans |
Independent, UK |
Lukas Giessen |
TU-Dresden, Germany |
Verina Ingram |
CIFOR, Indonesia and LEI Wageningen UR, The Netherlands |
John Innes |
University of British Columbia, Canada |
Peter Kanowski |
Australian National University, Australia |
Roger Leakey |
James Cook University, Australia |
Roger Mills |
Independent, UK |
John Palmer |
University of British Columbia, Canada |
Gill Petrokofsky |
University of Oxford, UK |
Jack Putz |
University of Florida, USA |
Lee Su See |
Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Malaysia |
Changyou Sun |
Mississippi State University, USA |
Terry Sunderland |
University of British Columbia, Canada |
Jermome Vanclay |
Southern Cross University, Australia |
Michael J. Wingfield |
Food and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), South Africa |

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The Commonwealth Forestry Association joined BioOne in 2010 in order to broaden the usage and impact of its esteemed journal, The International Forestry Review. BioOne coverage of IFR is from Volume 6 (2004) - present, and generates over 50,000 user hits per annum. Please visit the International Forestry Review on BioOne at
Special Issues
Special Issues of the International Forestry Review provide the most up-to-date synthesis of major forestry issues. The following Special Issues have been produced:
- Social impacts of logging
- Indigenous and Traditional Peoples and Forests
- Commonwealth Forestry Conference 2021 - Abstracts
- Multi-stakeholder forums in forestry
- John Spears - a life in forestry
- The forestry sector and other land uses in Africa
- Forest landscape restoration in hilly and mountainous regions
- Forest concessions in Central Africa
- Shifting global development discourses - Implications for forests and livelihoods
- Valuing the Camerooninan Forest
- Gender in Agroforestry
- Climate change and forestry in Africa
- Global Dry forests
- Smallholders and forest landscape transitions: locally devised development strategies of the tropical Americas
- Gender in agroforestry
- Climate change and forestry in Africa
- Forests, biodiversity and food security
- Forests and gender
- Forest taxation and tropical forest management
- Equity in Community Forestry - Insights from the North and South
- REDD and the Evolution of an International Forest Regime
- The Indian Forest Sector - Current Trends and Future Challenges
- Africa - its forests and their future
- Forestry in China: policy, consumption and production in forestry’s newest superpower
- Illegal logging
- NTFPs revisited
Special Issues have been supported by the following organisations:
Open Access publishing
The option of Open Access publishing is available to authors at £800 per paper. For more details please contact the Editor at
Fast-Track publishing
A Fast-Track option is available for authors wanting to publish online immediately a paper has been approved, and therefore before it appears in the hard copy, at £120 per paper. For more details please contact the Editor at
Copy editing
Copy editing services are available via our partner Charlesworth. Click here for more details.
Back issues and missing issues
Back issues of the IFR are available for £15 per copy, plus postage.
Missing issues (i.e. those that fail to be delivered) should be reported within 60 days of the publication month in question whereupon a replacement copy will be sent. Requests from members received later than this, or repeated requests for a missing issue, will be dealt with as back issues, and charged accordingly.
Copyright and usage permission
Copyright for all material published in the International Forestry Review resides with the Commonwealth Forestry Association.
Usage permission of papers can be sought through our relationship with Publishers' Licencing Services via this link
Support the International Forestry Review
If you would like to discuss providing financial support to assist in the production of the International Forestry Review please contact