Colo-i-Suva Forest Park

Colo-i-Suva Forest Park is a legally protected preserved forest, containing native flora and fauna, sites of archaeological and historic interest, ecological systems, geological features and other natural phenomena of special scientific.
The Forest Park covers an area of approximately 92 hectares and contains many tree species that are vital to the survival of certain fauna such as the Vadra (Pandanus pyriformis) tree, which is critical to the survival of the Fiji Tree Frog.
Due to Fiji’s relative isolation, fifty percent (50%) of its recorded native flora are endemic, many displaying limited ranges within Fiji’s forests. Colo-i-Suva Forest Park has forty five (45%) of the endemic flora found within the Forest Park.
Among the wildlife are 14 different bird species, including scarlet robins, spotted fantails, Fiji goshawks, sulphur-breasted musk parrots, Fiji warblers, Golden doves and barking pigeons. Of the fifty seven (57) land birds in Fiji, there are about 30 bird species found in the Colo-i-Suva Forest Park.
The Ministry of Forests is working closely with the local community to develop tourism to the Park, with tourists being able to witness traditional meke performances and buy traditional handicraft items. This collaboration has been well received by the local community, who look forward to increased tourism earnings contributing to the sustainability of their communities.