Mau Forest Complex

The Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Mr. Keriako Tobiko, committed Kenya to the QCC, nominating restoration and rehabilitation of Mau Forest Complex as its dedication.
The Mau Forest Complex is the largest forest ecosystem and the most important Water Tower in Kenya, covering approximately 455,000ha. It comprises of 22 forest blocks and is a key water catchment area, with 12 rivers feeding into major lakes in Kenya and parts of Western Kenya. It is a globally recognised UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The forest complex faces tremendous pressures and large amounts of forest destruction. The proposed project interventions include the development of an ecosystem management plan, a situational analysis of the water tower, tree planting and restoration, and the promotion of alternative livelihood options to the surrounding communities to reduce deforestation.
The restoration project encompasses a participatory stakeholder approach, including local community associations, schools and government agencies among others. As with all QCC projects, the forest communities are key to success of all conservation interventions in the area.