N/a’an ku sê Forest Conservation Revegetation Project

The N/a’an ku sê Foundation’s mission includes the need to conserve the land, cultures and wildlife of Namibia. Through the acquisition of land of various vegetation types across central and southern Namibia and managing them for conservation purposes we are working to conserve the various landscapes of Namibia.
The N/a’an ku sê Forest Conservation Revegetation Project takes such landscape conservation efforts to the next level, from passive management to active rehabilitation of degraded areas where indigenous forests once thrived. The project will involve the construction of an economically viable and ecologically sustainable nursery that utilises recycled water at N/a’an ku sê Lodge and Wildlife Sanctuary in central Namibia.
With the nursery as a foundation, the project will involve the collection and propagation of indigenous seed and the planting of propagated seedlings to reverse land degradation and restore indigenous forests.
The project will provide employment opportunities and associated training for the local community in nursery operations, plant propagation, forest revegetation and conservation and volunteer coordination.
The project is endorsed by the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism as its objectives and outcomes align with the countries National Action Plan to combat ongoing desertification in southern Africa.
Acacia tree saplings ready for planting
New Tree sapling and the Queens Commonwealth Canopy plaque.